To the right are element maps collected using wavelength dispersive spectrometers
(WDS) of the same area displayed in the
previous backscattered electron image.
Each map shows the distribution of a single
element across the mapped area. Those
portions of the maps occupied by orange
and red have a high abundance of that
particular element. Those areas colored
blue or black have a low or no concentration
of that element. These maps are qualitative
in nature but can be quantified using
standard quantitative analysis methods.
The WD spectrometers made it possible
to distinguish the Ag from the Pd on the
maps, which can be seen to have segregated
separate areas. Also because of the higher
count rates of the WD spectrometers, these
maps could be collected in 1/10 the time
required by the ED spectrometer.The significance of these element maps is
that they show how the feedthrough was
constructed. One can immediately see the
relative differences between the pin, the
solder, and the metal-plated edge of the
ceramic insulator. The element maps show
that both the metal pin and the ceramic
insulator. were metal plated or sputter coated
with at least two layers of different Cu, Ni, Fe,
and Pd alloys, and that the solder is a Cu-Ag-Pd alloy which has segregated into two
primary phases, a high-Ag phase and a
high-Pd-Cu phase.Element maps such as these can be used for
quality control purposes or for competitive
evaluations, since they clearly detail the
device's characteristics. The points that
would be of interest to focus on would
1) continuity and uniformity of the metal
2) thickness of the metal layers,
3) presence or absence of voids or cracks,
4) compositions of the alloys used and
the phases that were produced,
5) heterogeneity within the the solder, and
6) presence of corrosion or oxidation phases.