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McSwiggen & Associates also develops utility software to support the electron microprobe community in general and JEOL users in particular. Listed below are the software programs presently available.



 Item Number: Util003-W
Windows version

Some elements, such as Na and K, will migrate away from the heat of the electron beam during an electron microprobe analysis.   As a result during the time it takes to make an analysis, the measured counts for these elements will drop.   The program MigrationCorrection allows a user to collect a series of element measurements and then back-calculates the count rate at time zero.   The user then runs the JEOL Off-Line Correction program to convert the new calculated count rate to weight percents.

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 Item Numbers: MA002-W Windows version

The MonaziteAge program allows a user determine the age of a radioactive mineral from its quantitative analysis and to produce age maps from calibrated Th, U, and Pb element maps. It can be used on both Th-rich phases, like monazite, and on more U-rich phases, such as zircon or xenotime. It allows the user to calculate the age from a single analytical point or from a set of analyses. When multiple analyses are used to determine a single age, the software will correct for non-radiogenic lead and for any lead leaching that may have taken place. The program can also be used to create age maps from a grid of quantitative analysis data.

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Item Numbers: JME01-W
Windows version

On the JEOL JXA-8230 and JXA-8530F electron microprobes, the map data is stored in a 64-bit binary format. Most image processing programs are unable to read this file format. This program allows the user to convert the raw JEOL binary map files into a format that can be easily read by other programs, while still maintaining the original image resolution. The JEOLMapExporter can convert single maps or large groups of maps into JPEG, BMP, PNG, EPS or TXT files. The maps can be converted individually or in a batch process. In addition, the user can smooth, rotate, change the color LUT of the maps, and add or remove the scale bar.

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Item Numbers: MinMatch01 Windows version

MINERALMATCH is for any electron microscopist who works with minerals. Everyone who does, eventually, runs into the problem of mineral identification. Whether a seasoned mineralogist or a new student, attempting to put a name to an unknown mineral, knowing only its composition, can be both complicated and time consuming. Once the mineral name is known, any Internet search engine can find almost any desired information about it. However, with only a mineral’s composition, Internet searches are mostly useless. MINERALMATCH solves this problem of mineral identification.

MINERALMATCH contains a massive database with over 8,000 mineral compositions and nearly 4,800 mineral formulas. These databases cover most of the mineral species. Regardless of how exotic the mineral is MINERALMATCH makes it possible to quickly identify an unknown based simply on its composition.

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